BLUE: No threat in the United States. A vaccine has been found and widely distributed, herd immunity reached, and/or treatment protocols developed so that life can return to normal. Operations will be as they were prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Blue is not shown on the plan because it means all operations have resumed pre-COVID practices).

GREEN: Low threat. A very low number of cases requiring hospitalizations or death in Wilson and surrounding counties. No restrictions in place from state or county. This may be commonly described as “the new normal.” Social distancing and good hygiene will be a daily practice.

YELLOW: Moderate threat. Case numbers are rising, and the state or county has imposed some restrictions on group sizes. School is able to continue, but gathering sizes are limited in some manner.

ORANGE: High Threat. A large number of rapidly-escalating cases in the District or surrounding counties. State or county has imposed restrictions such that building occupancy or class sizes must be reduced.

RED: Very High Threat. Active case diagnosed with possible exposure to contagion within the school. State or county has imposed restrictions that prohibit face-to-face contact with students.

**The decision to move from one level to the next will be a collaborative process with Wilson County Health, Administration and USD 387 Board of Education. PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED THROUGH TEXT, FACEBOOK AND OUR APPTEGY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM IF A CHANGE IN LEVEL OCCURS.

According to the Center for Disease Control, the more people a student or staff member interacts with, and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spread. The risk of COVID-19 spread increases in school settings as follows:

  • Lowest Risk: Students and teachers engaged in virtual-only classes, activities, and events.

  • More Risk: Small, in-person classes, activities, and events, groups of students stay together and with the same teacher throughout/across school days,

    and groups do not mix. Students remain at least 6 feet apart and do not share objects (e.g., hybrid remote and in-person class structures or

    staggered/rotated scheduling to accommodate smaller class sizes).

  • Highest Risk: Full-sized, in-person classes, activities, and events, especially where students are not spaced apart, share classroom materials or supplies,

    and mix between classes and activities. Risk increases whenever students can’t be kept 6 feet apart. Singing, talking loudly, or exercising all increase respiration and production of large droplets that can transmit the virus more easily.

    Close Contact is defined by the Wilson County Health Department as two or more people who were within 6’ of each other for 10-15 minutes or longer without the use of eye protection, N95 masks, and gloves. When determining if you have been exposed based on being in “close contact” with a person who tests positive, these criteria need to be applied for the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms of the person who has reported the positive test.










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Arrival of Students and Staff

Normal arrival time and procedures are used based on pre-COVID-19 norms of the building, with the exception of social distancing and hygiene practices. Temperature checks will be done as students enter the building. Doors to the buildings open at 7:30 a.m.

Students will be given a location to report to until the bell rings based on their grade in school. Social distancing and good hygiene will be enforced. Temperature checks will be done as students enter the building. Doors to the buildings open at 7:30 a.m.

Students will report to their homeroom immediately upon entering the building and remain there. Temperature checks will be done as students enter the building. Doors to the buildings open at 7:30 a.m.

Students are not arriving at school.

Hall Lockers


Normal use of hall lockers will be permitted based on pre-COVID-19 norms of the building.


Normal use of hall lockers will be permitted, but students will not be allowed to “hang out” in the locker areas.


Students will be permitted use of the hall lockers on a rotational basis. 1⁄2 of the students per class can utilize them at a time.

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Students will not have access to hall lockers.

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Delivery of Instruction


Normal instructional delivery and class schedules followed with modifications as needed.

Students who are identified as a “close contact” may be in “self-quarantine” and complete coursework digitally. Some classes like band, choir, or PE may have to be altered because of size or location and/or have the nature of their activities modified. Social distancing will be enforced to the extent possible in each classroom. Desks/workstations will be arranged in the same direction to avoid students facing each other unless using physical barriers. When social distancing is not possible, face coverings will be required.

Instruction becomes a blended model of face-to-face and remote/packet delivery. Alternating student schedules used to allow for smaller class sizes and/or building capacity. Priority for face-to-face instruction will be given to youngest students, self- contained special education students, and students academically at-risk.

When students and staff are together, face coverings will be required.

100% of instruction is delivered in a remote or packet format. Google Classroom/Seesaw, Google Meet, and online textbook resources are used.

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Physical Barriers

*Staff and students are required to wear masks unless they have a pre- existing medical condition that precludes them from wearing the mask. Plastic barriers installed in offices and around lunch secretaries.

*Use of masks by all persons required in public spaces with groups greater than 12 and in accordance with district policy. This includes hallways, restrooms, and break rooms.

*Required use of masks by all persons in or on USD 387 property. Masks in all indoor public spaces. Required use of masks outdoors when 6-foot social distance can’t be maintained. Note – this requirement can be independent of the overall color level IF the county or state is recommending or requiring.

*Required use of masks by all persons in or on USD 366 property. Masks in all indoor public spaces. Required use of masks outdoors when 6-foot social distance can’t be maintained. Note – this requirement can be independent of the overall color level IF the county or state is recommending or requiring.

Student and Staff Attendance


If positive test, follow recovery criteria for return: 10 days since symptom onset with significant improvement in symptoms AND 72 hours fever free without the use of fever- reducing medications. If negative test or fever over 100 for any other illness, return when fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication.


72 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines before coming to school or work. Temperature check of staff and students who have reported not feeling well or coming back from an imposed quarantine.

Temperature check for all staff and students.

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Temperature check of persons working in the building.

Sanitation and Cleaning Protocols


Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathroom, toilet handles that are not automated, break room counters, desks, and tabletops).

Foggers used for hard-to- wipe surfaces. Teach hand washing and hygiene.

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Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathroom, toilet handles that are not automated, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). Foggers used for hard-to- wipe surfaces. Cleaning of desks between students when classes change (older students can clean


Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathroom, toilet handles that are not automated, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). Foggers used for hard-to-wipe surfaces. Cleaning of desks between the classes (older students can clean their own).


Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathroom, toilet handles that are not automated, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). Foggers used for hard-to- wipe surfaces Cleaning of desks and other equipment following any onsite meetings that take


Hand sanitizer in all rooms used frequently. Hand sanitizer in hallways and lunchroom used frequently.

Daily cleaning based on pre-COVID-19 norms in addition to the other cleaning protocols.


their own). Cleaning of frequently used equipment between each class period.

Cleaning of frequently used equipment between each use.

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place. All staff who come onsite need to record their presence on the form posted on each door.

Equipment and Supply Sharing


No shared supply of markers, calculators, etc. Manipulatives, etc. are cleaned at the end of the day.


Students should not be sent to the board to work unless 6’ distancing and each student has their own marker. Manipulatives are cleaned at the end of each class period.


Students will not be sent to the board to work. Manipulatives are cleaned at the end of each use.

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Food Service

No buffet lines. Food is served and eaten in the cafeteria. Create as much seating distance as possible. Extra lunch shifts may be required to facilitate distancing.

Food is served in the cafeteria. Students will be spread out at tables with overflow seating being on the floor, bleachers, or in classrooms as scheduled by the administration. Eating outside may also be used.

Meals delivered to and eaten in the classroom.

Grab and Go meal service IF allowed by USDA, but Foodservice operations will cease if recommended by County Health Dept.



New dismissal time and procedures may be used to emphasize social distancing and efficiency.


Teachers and staff will walk students to their designated exit. Dismissal times: staggered,


Teachers and staff will walk students to their designated exits. Dismissal times: staggered, TBD



Buses and vehicles are frequently disinfected— social distance as much as possible by family groupings. Masks are required on the busses.

Bus routes continue as allowed by County Health Dept. Masks will be required. Route times may be adjusted or spare bus used to pick up as needed.

Transportation adjustments will be made based on how school operations are scheduled.

All transportation will cease.

Field Trips


Staff Professional Travel and Student Field Trips are not encouraged.

Staff Professional Travel and

Student field trips are suspended.

Staff Professional Travel out- of-district is suspended.

All transportation and staff travel out-of-district is suspended.

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Activities, Programs, Adult Meetings

Normal programming with social distancing whenever possible in accordance with KSHSAA Guidelines.

Meetings and programs limited per county restrictions. Sports (and clubs) follow KSHSAA guidelines and county restrictions.

Meetings are held online. All programs may be postponed or canceled based on guidance from state and/or local officials.

Meetings are held online. All programs are postponed or canceled.

Access to and Use of Buildings


Visitors to buildings are prohibited, excluding school related business. No public use of the buildings.


Visitors to buildings are prohibited, including guest speakers. No public use of buildings


Visitors to and public use of buildings prohibited. Staff access to buildings or areas will be controlled/scheduled.

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Visitors to and public use of buildings prohibited. Staff access to buildings will be limited.

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Personal Travel


Staff and Students visiting identified COVID-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, and are required to self-quarantine.


Staff and Students visiting identified COVID-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, and are required to self- quarantine.

Staff and Students visiting identified COVID-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, and are required to self- quarantine.

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*Some of the exceptions to wearing masks would be during Lunch, Speech and Language, PE, Choir, Welding & Band. This is not an all-inclusive list.