Due to a lack of officials, the HS football game at Southern Coffey County will begin at 3:00 PM on Friday, October 4th.
about 16 hours ago, Jeff Almond
6 days ago, Jeff Almond
Today's volleyball game will be live-streamed on our YouTube page. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7RUlk-SS6o It currently says it is a football game but it is volleyball. We will change that after the first match.
12 days ago, Jeff Almond
Jet Community, USD 387 Altoona-Midway is aware of a current social media trend that lists Altoona-Midway as a potential school district as a target for a school shooting along with several other school districts across Kansas and the Nation. The Wilson County Sheriff's Department has been notified and is investigating. Regardless of the nature of these threats, USD 387 is committed to the safety and well-being of all students within our community. The football game scheduled for tonight, September 13th, 2024, between AMHS and Burrton HS will take place as scheduled at 6 PM. As a precaution, USD 369 and USD 387 administration will be present. Additionally, Wilson County Sherrif’s department will be alert and send deputies to monitor as they are available. As a reminder, weapons of any kind are not allowed on the school campus or at any school activity. Do not bring weapons with you to campus. We ask that you be vigilant and report anything concerning to the administration or staff present. We will update the community if we have any further information but as of right now, investigators believe this threat is not credible.
20 days ago, Jeff Almond
If your MS/HS student is sick or does not attend the fair field trip on Monday, Sept 9th make sure to call the office to excuse their absence. This is an educational school field trip that is going to be used in both ELA and Ag classes. Any MS/HS student who does not attend will not be allowed to attend sports practice as outlined in the student handbook.
27 days ago, Krystle Mayginnes
MS/HS parents/guardians- Please click on the link below to find out information on the trip on Monday for the Kansas State Fair. https://www.facebook.com/altoonamidway/posts/pfbid026ggsPPeSMGwUb6TTjuda5chM2t57SdFqxJz5g54R4rrTNH83gAQ1QfJ2T9wZD7Szl
28 days ago, Jeff Almond
State Fair
The unofficial Board of Education meeting minutes from the August 8th meeting are on our website in the documents section.
about 2 months ago, Jeff Almond
Classes begin today at Altoona-Midway! #istgoingtobeagreatyear #itsagreatdaytobeajet
about 2 months ago, Jeff Almond
The Board of Education voted in their last meeting to continue meeting on the second Monday of each month. They will now start at 6:30 p.m. in the MS/HS Conference room instead of 7:00 p.m. in the MS/HS Cafeteria. Please see the following meeting dates : August 12, 2024 September 09, 2024 October 14, 2024 November 18, 2024 (Nov 11th-Veterans Day) December 9, 2024 January 13, 2025 February 10, 225 March 10, 2025 April 14, 2025 May 12, 2025 June 9, 2025 July 14, 2025
about 2 months ago, Jeff Almond
Pre-K Enrollment Information
2 months ago, Jeff Almond
We are pleased to announce that USD 387 has teamed with BSN Team Sports to offer Altoona-Midway USD 387 merchandise. You can click on the link below to access the store. The store is only open until August 15, so you better act now to make sure you have the latest Jet gear. Everything is done online. No one from the school will contact you. You make your selections, pay online, and the merchandise will be delivered to your home. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/2LcwjbdMse
2 months ago, Jeff Almond
Enrollment packets have been mailed. AMES & MS/HS students will enroll on Tuesday, August 6, from 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM. AMES will enroll at the Atloona Attendance Center. MS/HS students will enroll at the MS/HS building.
2 months ago, Jeff Almond
We are pleased to announce that USD 387 Altoona-Midway will again participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Food Program for the 2024-2025 school year! This means that ALL STUDENTS enrolled in USD 387 will receive a free breakfast and free lunch on school days. No further action is required of you. *This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
3 months ago, Jeff Almond
Today, our Summer Academy students visited KOAM TV. Our students are shown at the end of the news. https://www.koamnewsnow.com/video/koam-news-at-12-pm-6-20-2024/video_ec22759f-903a-5855-96a0-f73b6bf67e5a.html
3 months ago, Jeff Almond
The minutes from the Board of Education's monthly meetings can be found on our website. Go to www.usd387.org Once you are there click on documents. Then, click either the Approved or Unofficial Board Minutes.
4 months ago, Jeff Almond
Reminder: AMES Spring Music Concert is this evening, 5/14/24 at 7:00 PM in the AMES gymnasium.
5 months ago, Jeff Almond
The HS baseball games at Uniontown today, 5/6/24, have been canceled. These games will not be made up.
5 months ago, Jeff Almond
The high school baseball game will begin at 3:30 PM in Uniontown. Stay tuned for any other changes that may occur for this game.
5 months ago, Jeff Almond
Neodesha has canceled their track meet for today due to impending weather. This track meet will not be rescheduled.
5 months ago, Jeff Almond
We just received word from Yates Center that the time for today's game has been moved to a 2:00 PM start.
5 months ago, Jeff Almond